Made the run to Oklahoma to the Lower Ilinois River for Rainbow Trout and Striped Bass. Fished the spillway area initially but then moved downriver when they started generating power. While at the spillay, caught small striped bass, gaspergou, and our fishing buddy caught a nice size Buffalo but did not get video. Put up a nice fight on the Ugly Stik Rod Combo, he picked up the day before at Bass Pro Shops. Also, able to catch one Striped Bass and a Rainbow Trout that we kept for a catch and cook video… do stay tuned for it! Casted a few jig and fluke rigs at the Spillway for Striped Bass once the current was flowing nicely from the turbines… no strikes, so moved further downriver and fished a couple of spots – caught another Rainbow Trout for the catch and cook video, lost a Rainbow Trout that threwt the fishing fly, and sight casted to Carp that ignored our fishing fly. Fishing fly used was the Olive Near Deere and we continue to use our favorite fly fishing combo ...