
Showing posts from February, 2020

Fishing Updates from the Team!

Been out of pocket fishing but am able to post a quick update on Team happenings as well as last Sunday’s fishing at Towne Lake in McKinney where we limited out on trout using the Rubber Legged Near Deere!

Derby Day Trout Fishing with the RIO Trout Max #flyfishing

Out and about trout fishing at the local derbies last weekend! Able to limit out on trout… used the MaxCatch 2wt Fly Rod and Orvis Hydros SL1 Fly Reel lined with the Rio Trout Max One-Handed Spey and OPST Lazar Line!

Why We Like the Heritage Angler Kayak! #kayakfishing

Great question from a Viewer on the kayak we use. Here is a series of videos that shows why we like the sit inside kayak no longer manufactured by Heritage of Rhode Island. Videos include an overview of the kayak, mods, and other suggested things as well as fishing methods and windy day kayak fishing… Heritage Angler Kayak – YouTube Playlist

Fly Fishing without a Fly Rod #bubbleflyrig #spoonandflyrig

Here is a video that details how to fly fish without a fly rod using two methods – Bubble Fly Rigs and Spoon and Fly Rigs. The Bubble Fly Rig is a proven method for fishing flies use a bubble float cast with a spinning rod and reel. It targets fish feeding on the surface, just under the surface, and in the upper part of the water column. The Spoon and Fly Rig is not as well known and limited information can be found online. But, it has been a consistent fish getter for those situations where fish are in the lower part of the water column, actively feeding on baitfish and other “tasty morsels”! Do give them a try and keep them at the ready when fish flies are the go to pattern but you don’t have a fly rod, still learning to cast one, or the situation warrants spinning gear over a fly fishing gear!

Fly Fishing Tip - Emergency Dry Fly Floatant... Carmex Works!

Tied some dry flies before heading out to the local pond that was recently stocked with trout. Although we struck out on trout, did overcome a situation… ran out of the Gink Dry Fly Floatant we have used for years. Fly shop was closed, so what to do? Luckily, while stopping for coffee and donuts at the RaceTrac convenience store found Carmex at the counter. Made with 50% white petroleum jelly, figured it would work in a pinch. Sure did… fly stayed on the surface without an issue! PS: Was noted that it may be hard on fly line and leader. Since our motto is to “Learn to fish by our trials and errors”, will try it out for season and see if our fly line and leader are impacted by Carmex…. More to come!

Fly Rods and Fly Reels We Like #coaffieldteam

Livestream on fly rods and fly reels we like!Livestream on fly rods and fly reels we like! Raining and cold has us indoors but no worries. Feeling much better… coughing less! And, always can talk fishing when not able to go! Fly Rods: Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod (9′-4pc-5wt): 9′ 6wt TFO Pro II: Eagle Claw Fish Skinz (9′-2pc-5wt) Eagle Claw Granger IM6 ((9′-2pc-5wt) Cabelas TLR Switch Rod (11′-4pc-6wt / Model TLR-1106-4) Cabelas TLR Switch Rod (11′-4pc-6wt / Model TLR-1108-4) Fly Reels: Echo Ion Fly Reels (2/3wt, 4/5wt, 6/7wt, 7/9wt, 8/10wt, 10/12wt): Lamson Liquid 4 Fly Reel: Fly Fishing One-Handed Spey Combos We Use: Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod (9′-4pc-5wt): Echo Ion Fly Reel 4/5 wt: OPST Commando Head – 200 grain: OPST LazarLine: OPST ...

COAF Field Team Updates February 10, 2020 #livestream

Updates from this weekend’s fishing fun! Had lots of fun this past weekend fishing for trout at Frisco Commons! It’s Monday, February 10 Updates from this past week Frisco trout stocking happened Lots of people limited out Saturday was sunny. Go to lure, bait, and flies… Lures – Super Duper, Rooster Tail, Kast Master PowerBaits – Trout Bait and PowerWorms Fishing Flies – Dry Flies, Near Deare, OWB, RBW Bubble Fly Rig Variant – replace with Kastmaster and trailing fly Sunday was a misty morning , then a rainy day. Go to fishing flies… Olive Near Deere no indicator – short pulls, steady retrieve worked well initially. Later, a 6 count pause to let the fly sink, followed by long pulls and pauses Dry Flies – do match the hatch, pattern less important than size and color Like to have a Griffiths Gnat sz 18 as a backup 5PM Hatch! Keep an eye out for it! Gear Notes MaxCatch 2wt 10ft Fly Rod Echo Ion 2/3 Wt Fly Reel Rio Trout Max Shooting Head ...

Near Deere Limited Out Trout Fishing #friscocommons #flyfishing

Was not sure if we would make it to Frisco to fish the Commons Pond for stocked trout. Luckily, there was a break in the weekend events. Made the short run Saturday from Allen to Frisco and fished Frisco Commons Pond for rainbow trout. Recently stocked as well as the annual Trick-A-Trout Derby was held that morning, the pond was crowded. Luckily, the bite was on! Able to limit out fishing an Olive Near Deere set 3′ under a strike indicator. No need to retrieve the fishing fly after casting. Instead, let the wind and waves move the strike indicator and let your rig drift with the wind. Watch for the strike, and set the hook! Anticipating the crowd, swapped the Hydros Fly Reel with the Echo Ion Reel that was lined with the Rio Trout Max Skagit Head. Made for ease of casting for distance despite the wind and a shortened backcast due to people all around! Video shows the action on Saturday, and then summarizes Sunday’s action… was able to fish Sunday morning before it started r...

Frisco Commons For Trout! #livestream

Live update while we were at Frisco Commons trout fishing Saturday, February 8, 2020. Able to limit out and do some catch and release. Really nice weather but warm temps. Will get a follow up video of the action. Key Items this round: Olive Near Deere fished 3′ under a strike indicator Let the wind and waves work the fishing fly, Need only to drift and take up slack in preps for the strike MaxCatch 10′ 2WT Fly Rod worked well with the Echo Ion Reel Rio Trout Max One Handed Spey Skagit line made easy work of the wind and no worreis on a backcast

How We Got Started Fly Tying #flyfishing #flytying

A follow on question to an earlier question on a fly fishing combo for beginners. This one answers the question, “How to get started fly tying?” We keep it simple and inexpensive as well as provide our personal experience in how we got started fly tying. The video details basic tools, an approach to fly tying that we hope keeps you interested in the hobby, and also show what gear we use or have used over the years. Hopefully, as in our Team motto, learn to fish by our trials and errors!

Near Deere and Tenkara Fly #fishingflies #flyfishing #giveaway

Rain and cold weather has us indoors but still able to do fishing related things. In this case a quick update from the Team and a fishing fly give away… two Olive Near Deere and a Tenkara Fly. Comment in this video, and next Wednesday 2/12/20… will randomly pick a winner. Valid email address to coordinate shipping and a US mailing address along with a comment to this video gets you in the Giveaway! Good Luck and Good Fishing!

GoPro Underwater Video Take3 - Limited out Trout Fishing at Waterloo!

Made the run up to Waterloo in Denison for trout fishing fun. Trout Derby was held the day before, so lots of trout to be had in the little pond. Brought the GoPro Underwater Video rig for another try at action shots of trout. Was a tough go with murkly water and lots of vegetation on the bottom to clobber the rig. Luckily, after making more mods on the fly, did get some video of the trout lurking in the pond. Key Take Aways: Green vegetation is thick on the bottom; best to use a Carolina Rig with 16″ to 18″ of leader from the weight to the hook. Use a bait that floats to keep it above the vegetation when Carolina Rigged. Else, use a bobber and suspend off the bottom. At one point, the trout wanted Corn but were not striking if on the bottom. Used a PowerBait Nugget threaded above the hook, and then bait the hook with corn. This allowed the Corn to stay off the bottom and in the “money” zone where the trout were lurking! Of the trout caught today, two went for Po...

Fishing with the MaxCatch 2wt Fly Rod and Orvis Hydros SL1 #flyfishing #maxcatch #orvis

Ordered the MaxCatch 2wt Fly Rod to go with the Orvis Hydros SL1 Fly Reel. The rod is 10′ in length and balances slightly forward of the rod grip. First chance to fish was today. Temps were chilly but managed a few little Bluegill and Bass that went for a Soft Hackle and a Marilyn Monroe Tenkara Fly. Rod feels nice… liking the blue finish and the wood insert for the reel seat. Casts well… able to get familiar with the rod, and find its sweet spot. Main take away from today was to give the backcast time to roll out before starting the forward cast. So far, this combo is looking and feeling good. Will see how it fares this season in 2020! MaxCatch 2wt Fly Rod: Orvis Hydros Sl1 Fly Reel:

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