Here is the follow-on catch and cook video to our "Kayak Fishing for Whatever Bites" video! Simple recipe that calls for Garlic Salt and Black Pepper! Do give it a try!
Still sidetracked by the day job but luckily Saturday’s are open for now for some fishing. This round more jug line fishing at Lake Lavon. Was there on the Fourth of July and only caught one on rod and reel while kayak fishing. Had video but file was corrupted while transferring to the computer. No worries… this round, able to get the video to transfer and finished editing it! Also, still working on the fishing and side trips last month to the Texas Coast and Hill Country; added a snippet to the end of this video. Do check back periodically; hope to get it posted sooner than later!
Back to the local pond catching bass with the variant of the BOB fly… this one has added plumes to keep the hook riding high while on the bottom. Calling it the BOBTAIL Fly. Caught a little Bass with a Foam Grasshopper and a Sunfish… switched to the Foam Grasshopper because it was hard to see the BOBTAIL Fly due to the angle of the sun and the wind waves roiling up the water. Spied a Bass lurking by the outflow of the waterfall pool… switched back to the BOBTAIL Fly and got his attention. Nice sized Bass that reminded us of the ones that used to lurk in the pond! Good Stuff!
Kicked off the weekend with a round of fishing at Kroger Pond. Had not fished it for some time; good to see the water is clear at least in the Feeder Creek. Did see lots of “green stuff” clobbering the pond area. Regardless, fish were going for a Size 16 Foam Grasshopper . No Bruisers other than a nice sized Sunfish; no worries though, they all put up a good fight on the Micro Fly Rod ! Cannot recall how many fish were caught and released but over 20 would be a good “guestimate”… next question, where to fish tomorrow? Going to play it by ear for now!
This round I talk about Switch Rods and my practice session casting a Double Spey and a Snap C. Got lots of practice to go but still good to know the Overhead and Switch Casts are at the ready next time I take the Switch Rod. Of course, I had to catch a fish or two... so I fished a little creek. It's a lot more rod than needed for the Sunfish I was catching. Great practice for when I target trout! #flyfishing #fishing #livestream
Kicked off the Amazon Challenge to show you can get started fly fishing for $33... specifically for $32.46 for a Martin Fly Fishing Fly Rod and Reel combo. It was on sale for $29.99, shipping was free, and tax was $2.47. Martin Complete Fly Fishing Kit offered on Amazon: Included with the kit: 3 piece, 8 ft, 5/6wt fiberglass fly rod 4-6wt, single action, fly reel 6wt floating, level fly line, Dacron backing line, and a Tapered, knotless leader 5 fishing flies: Popper, Wooley Bugger, Royal Coachman, Muddler Minnow, And, a Pheasant Tail Nymph. Plus yarn for a strike indicator. Fly Fishing Instruction pamphlet Also, the reel was spooled with the backing, fly line, and leader. And, the reel was set for a left-hand retrieve. Instructions on the packaging showed how to tie an Arbor Knot for attaching the backing to the reel and an Uni-Knot to connect the backing to the fly line and also connect the fly line to the leader. Personal preference is to use a Nail Knot...
Report from RC this past weekend. LakeForkGroupie: Re: Rowlett Creek 2016 Fishing was slow Sat morning. I had muddy water. I fished down by 66 bridge and noticed cars were coming and going, after hitting several spots, using several lures and colors, I found out why.. no fish. I left about the same time as others, they also blanked. Decided to head up to Firewheel and use the 4X4 truck in the mud. Finally found a few fish in the first pocket up the bridge, couldn't find them anywhere else. Ended up catching 12 small ones on tiny flukes dragged on the bottom. I have noticed the flood waters have moved around some underwater brush piles as I lost a lot of lures in new places. Also saw about 20 snakes. All water snakes. They just kept swimming all over the creek. No snakes on land, happy about that. Retrieved from
Only one White Bass this round at Brockdale Park. Caught it using the Daiwa Sealine Surf Casting Rod and Penn Squall 15 Reel. It struck a multi-rigged Marabou Fishing Fly that simulated a school of bait fish (at least a school of three that is). Did have some fun sight casting to two schools of White Bass that passed but only had the one hookup. Then, switched to a 2oz lead weight to practice casting. Had fun doing that, and then decided to put the Tennis Ball Fishing Float on the line. Once the Tennis Ball was wet, was able to cast as far (possibly) further than the lead weight! Fun stuff! Multi-Rig Fishing Fly Tennis Ball Fishing Float
This round I decided to mix things up and forego the low water crossing. Instead, I walked the area north of the crossing and explored the area. Learned a few things and even limited out on Trout! Great times fishing a river! PS: Here is the map referenced in the video of the Blue River.
More reports from the field; White Bass seems to be the targeted fish so far! chanceg2784: Re: Rowlett Creek 2016 How long do you guys stay in one particular spot? I think my problem is that I find a spot that I think could hold fish, and I stay there making cast after cast and come up empty. From reading reports here, it looks like you have to keep changing spots until you find the area that they are holding. Deep down I know that I should pick up and move on down to the next hole, but I just cant force myself to make the move. I equate it to sitting at a slot machine for too know you need to get up, but keep putting money in thinking the next pull is going to be the one. Retrieved from
Question from one of our Readers asking, “How do we clean and cook trout?” In answer to the question, we provide a summary of the different ways we clean and cook trout! Depending on the size of the trout, we clean and cook them as follows: Stocker size trout (9″-13″ in size) : We cut their heads or remove the gills (“gilling”), and then we remove the guts. Not sure why we opt to cut the head off versus “gilling” them; just seems to go one way or the other from trip to trip. When cooking the Stockers, we season them with salt and pepper (sometimes add Season Salt), and then pan fry them in oil for about 5-8 minutes each side. For larger trout in the 14″ – 18″ range: We clean them like the Stockers but will split the fish (butterfly). We then cook them on a cedar plank (see Grilled Plank Trout Recipe ). For trout going 19″+ in size: We gill them and remove the guts, leaving the head in place. Then, we stuff with lemon slices, onions, butter, and sprinkle Rosemary in the body cavity. Nex...
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