How to Get Over a Cold... Go Fishing! #fishing #flyfishing

Been fighting a cold but did breakaway for a quick trip to the local lake – Bethany Lakes, on a warm December afternoon. Brought the TFO 6 Wt and 6/7 Wt Echo Ion Reel for a go at the fish.

Back pond was clobbered with growth, did see a few bass moving about. Found a clear area and caught a little Bass on an Olive Near Deere.

Moved on to the Main pond and after changing flies a few times, caught Bluegill using a Griffith’s Gnat and PMC Emerger.

Decided to check out the canal and the waterfall; caught little Bluegill on the PMC Emerger… was more Micro Fishing then Fishing. Still fun, may have to come back with the Kiyotaki 18 Tenkara Rod!


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