Revenge of the Urbanites

Good read for those interested…

Lovfldx: Revenge of the Urbanites
Got off work a little early today, so naturally, took off to Bachman. fished the airport side, only caught one dink, but 3 decent hookups with respectable bass.

Took off to the Lower Bachman Creek, and immediately got into some spotted bass, and one misplaced crappie. Got about 10 decent spots. Moved to WRC, upper end, looking for spawning sandies, it is apparently over there. Saw one bass in 5 lb range on a bed, and more carp than i care to talk about. water crystal clear. One huge orange koi cruising with the carp. Back to Bachman, Denton Drive levee.

As I was pulling into rec ctr pkg lot, my old crappie fishing buddy, Bobby pulled up. He has been tearing up largemouths all over the lake on big flukes. We walked to Levee together. He sets up in one spot, I move maybe 20 yds down from him.

FIRST CAST, BOOM A Massive monster female bass, easily 7-8 lbs, maybe more, annihilates my Rainbow Trout colored 1/8th oz rooster tail, and the fight is on! Strips line, jumps, starts to strip more line, i calmly let her run, then gently turn her towards me. She goes airborne a second time, and i mean this fish is VERY LARGE! Runs again, i let her strip some more line, same routine, gently turn her towards me, she feels the pressure, AND GOES AIRBORNE A THIRD TIME!. Keep in mind, this is Bachman, Urban Central, jogging/walking trail behind me on top of levee. By the second jump i have a crowd/cheering section, one good non fishing buddy on a bicycle, 3 legit fishermen, and various assorteds, cheering me on. The third jump produces one final run, then i gently turn her towards the bank, she is starting to give up the fight.

I get her to the bank, having no net, UL gear and 6 lb test, i kneel on levee, hand outstretched to lip fish. She is quite large. I grip bottom lip to lift, she has got one more ounce of strength left, she shakes head as i press down on lower jaw to lift, AND THEN- - - - - - - -

The rooster tail comes flying out of her mouth at bullet velocity, zings within millimeters of my left eye, and buries itself into my scalp, between eye and ear!

The impact knocks me temporarily loopy(remember, a rooster tail is painted lead with a wire running through it), sits me on my arse, I yelp as i can see from the corner of my eye the rooster tail dangling from my hair!

The bass, taking it all in, seems to stare at such a strange vision, then straightens up, and after maybe 5 seconds, nonchalantly swims away into water deep enough where I couldn't see him anymore!!

My three buddies are laughing, the crowd starts to dissipate, and then on closer inspection, see that one of the treble hook barbs is buried in scalp, barb turned inward. Immediately needle nose and wire cutters materialize, and two of the three barbs are snipped off as is the main body of the rooster tail, and off to the doc i go. Simple enough matter for the doc. Deadens area, apparently twists scalp skin till she finds barb, turns it, pushes tip out, cuts it with sterilized wire cutters, then pushes shank through. No stitches, just a pin prick hole in my skull.

Back to fishing tomorrow, that monster is still roaming that lake, and i am gonna look for her!


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