Q&A Fly Tying - Suggestions for Starter Kits and Other Tips!

Impromptu live session to answer a Viewer’s question on a starter kit for fly tying.

Unedited video with key items noted below. Also, includes details of recent trip fishing Denison Dam for Stripers!

Key Items:

  1. Starter kits in the $30.00 range are available
    1a. Cabelas and Bass Pro
    1b. Can go more expensive but may also gather dust if become frustrated
    1c. If you move on to more expensive, than can use it still – travel vice, tube fly vice conversion
    Amazon Starter Kit: https://amzn.to/2TiAGqa
  2. Best to learn to tie one fishing fly that you use often
    2a. Save money and will fish aggressively, less worry about losing it
    2b. Get proficient at tying it sooner than later
  3. Simple but effective patterns…
    3a. Olive Wooley Buggers
    3b. Near Deere
    3c. Clousers
  4. Must haves…
    4a. Bobbin
    4b. Hackle Pliers
    4c. Sharp scissors
  5. Really nice to have…
    5a. Bobbin Threader
    5b. Whip Finish Tool


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