Micro Fly Rods Revisited... #microflyrod #microfishing

Several years ago we modified a Pen Fishing Rod and made our first micro fly rod. It was a prototype where we used a crappie reel as the fly reel and electrical tape to mount it to the Pen Rod. Later, we made more modifications and published an article online detailing the modifications – COAF Micro Fly Rod.

Since then, we have made others using the same Pen Fishing Rod but removed the rod guides and replaced them with larger rod guides. The original rod guides will work but we find the larger rod guides make for better casting.

Also, when we broke a four piece 8wt fly rod accidentally, we salvaged the top two sections to make a two piece Micro Fly Rod. This one is fun to fish with and casts well but it does not collapse like the modified Pen Fishing Rod which we keep in our backpack… meaning the backpack we take to work everyday. Gotta be ready for any opportunity to fish!

Last but not least in the our Micro Fly Rod arsenal is the Kiyotaki 18 Tenkara Rod. This one is compact and fits in our cargo pants pocket; does not use a fly reel, and can handle little fish as well as larger stocker size trout.

Over the years, we have caught mainly fingerling Bluegill, Sunfish, and Bass as well as stocker size trout and an occasional Catfish – nice size ones that put a bend in the rods!

Do check out the playlist of past trips fishing with Micro Fly Rods!


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