Spreadsheets and the Texas Winter Trout Stocking Season Schedule... #troutfishing

Another Texas Winter Trout Stocking Season is almost here. Texas Parks and Wildlife posted the stocking schedule, and as in past years, we like to play around with spreadsheets for easier reference.

Last year, we used OpenOffice’s applications to modify the schedule; this year we dusted of the old laptop and modified the schedule using an older version of Microsoft Office.

Taking the Winter Trout Stocking Schedule posted on 11/8/2017, we collated the Stocking Dates, added Total per Stocking and Number of Stockings for a given location, and then sorted the dates in ascending order.

By doing so, it gives us a better idea of the next planned trout stocking. Although the dates change as the season progresses, some Readers have taken screen shots, printed them, and then made pen and ink updates… PDF Link

We do hope this helps Readers again as in past years!

PS: The Guadalupe River is represented as Canyon Tailrace and the last stocking location highlighted in yellow is suspect; the date indicated is December 14, 2018. We suggest calling before heading to the location to fish it.



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