COAF Field Team Vlog #6 - "Denison Dam"

One Keeper....
One Keeper….

This round we went back to Denison Dam Saturday morning for another go at Striped Bass. The generation schedule showed no planned generations until around 12:45PM. So, by the time we started fishing, we had at least three solid hours to fish the pools and runs!

InTouch Switch Chucker

Last week we picked up a Lamson Waterworks Liquid 4 reel from Cabelas. After a little research on which fly line to use, we went with Rio’s InTouch Switch Chucker line in a 5wt per Rio’s line selection app! Had to order online and wait about a week.

While we waited for the fly line to arrive, we fished the 8wt Switch Rod on local ponds to practice casting. Even better, we caught a few fish while practicing… then, Friday the new fly line arrived, and in no time, we had it spooled on to the fly reel.

The bite was steady but the Striped Bass were little. Also, we did catch a few Longear when we changed from a Clouser Minnow to a Near Deere. We had caught one little Striped Bass with a Bead Chain Clouser Minnow, and then kept getting light strikes but no no hook ups.

Liquid 4 Reel
Liquid 4 Reel

Then, we switched to an Olive Near Deere and started catching more little Striped Bass. The same held true with a Red, White, Blue Near Deere – more little Striped Bass. Was able to catch and release a number of fish for most of the morning, but around 11:30 AM, decided to start fishing for larger Striped Bass.

Working one run that had lots of Shad being washed downriver, we were able to hook and land one Keeper Striper before calling it a day. The Striped Bass fought well and the 6wt Swtich Rod handled it nicely. Will likely use this setup as our “go to” Striped Bass rig when fly fishing Denison Dam:

  • Cabelas TLR Switch Rod – 11 ft / 6wt
  • Lamson Waterworks Liquid 4 Fly Reel
  • Rio InTouch Switch Chucker fly line – 5wt
  • 5′ Floating Tip – made from the “thin” section of an old 5wt fly line
  • Two section Leader/Tippet – 30lbs Stren mono and 17lbs Stren mono








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