Denison Dam

NOTE: Report submitted below may not be accurate as others have indicated water continues ot be discharged at 40k cfs still...

Good news at the Tailrace!
CTRboy: Re: Denison Dam
lots of striper being pulled up from the texas wall. its like 2007 all over again lol. flukes and jigs are the ticket. i did see some people with top water catching their limits. big crowds again. looks like this summer will be hot and elbow to elbow.

the water is now shut off on both oklahoma side and texas side. a buddy of mine was catching a bunch of striper on oklahoma side using deep bomber divers bait. throwing into the current and working it back.

i managed my limit this morning. note to all that are fishing the dam this summer. please keep your children away from guys with cork and jig and pencil poppers. you have been warned. i swear someone is going to get their kids eyes hooked.

this morning was pretty much elbow to elbow with baits flying from every direction on texas side. lines tangled with people screaming *FEET ON or IT ON. sometimes i don't agree with how people can tangle to begin with. seems like everyone limited out on all different sizes. the fish will be here all summer. lets just hope they don't turn on the gates again for awhile.

lots of bait in the water. looks like this might be all fatties this summer. anyways. HAPPY FEEESHING


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