More Reports from Australia!

Looks like the Trout action was good for Steve in Australia despite having to work around the rain showers. Excerpt from Steve’s report:

“It was still raining on the way up and never really stopped in the few hours I was there. I took the fly gear but only used a spin outfit to cast a CrystalCast float and fly. In a couple of hours fishing I caught and released around 15 stocked rainbow trout.

Used a sunk small Muddler Minnow which worked for a while, then a bead head Pheasant Tail Nymph which got no takes at all, then switched to an OZ Dragonfly Nymph.

This last fly was created and tied by my friend in the US. It has squirrel hair, rubber legs and bead eyes. It is a great mudeye fly. Mudeye is our name for dragon fly nymph. With this last fly, I found that a very slow steady retrieve worked the best.”

Below are Steve’s pictures!

Spin outfit, CrystalCast Float, Muddler Minnow and small stocker rainbow. Caught today Monday July 13.


Artificial waterfall at Marysville Lake. The rainbow trout was caught just to the left of the falls. The falls creates a slight current in the lake and the trout often lurk “downstream”.

My micro fly rod and reel. The rod folds down to about the length of the handle, reel is a Martin and the line either a 2or3wt which came with the reel. The rainbow trout is a wild one that I caught and released a few months ago from the Stevenson River. This river runs through Marysville and near the lake. As you can see, a lovely sunny day, unlike today!


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