Tying the Olive/Brown Near Deere

Received a request to post information on how we tie the Olive/Brown Near Deere – the fishing fly we used recently at Murphy City Hall Pond for Rainbow Trout.

In reply, we posted a video below that demonstrates how we tie the fishing fly. Do check it out when you get a chance!

Other key points:

  • For the fishing fly we tie, it is a variation of the fishing fly that Texas Fishing Forum’s Tarpon Fly posted several years ago. He described the pattern and noted its simplicity and effectiveness.
  • When we tie the Olive/Brown Near Deere, we use Olive Marabou for the tail and Brown Flash Chenille for the body. However, the pattern allows for ease of mixing and matching colors with our favorites being Olive Marabou/Olive Flash Chenille and Olive Marabou/White Flash Chenille.
  • It can be fished with or without a strike indicator as well as fished as a tandem rig with a GRHEN, Soft Hackle, or Nymphs.
  • It is a consistent producer of Trout as well as other fish like Bass and Catfish in our area!

PS: Tarpon Fly also offers the fishing fly in his online store at Carey Thorn’s Online Fishing Store.


Fresh from a Quick Trip for Rainbow Trout!


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