Quick Trips Today... Bethany Lakes and Turtle Creek!

Early start this morning had us fishing Bethany Lakes with the Foam Grasshopper in size 14. Caught several fish – little Bass and Bluegill. Then, had brunch in Dallas at the Katy Trail Ice House, followed by a little hiking on the Katy Trail. While out and about checked out Turtle Creek and saw lots of Bass, Bluegill, and Sunfish.

Good thing we like to keep the Kiyotaki 18 Tenkara Rod handy when hiking. In short order, caught several fish including a few Longear Perch using the Marilyn Monroe Tenkara Fly!

Always good to wet a line when anywhere near fish holding waters! PS: For more info about the rod, check out TenkaraBum’s site – http://www.tenkarabum.com/shimotsuke-kiyotaki.html


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