After limiting out on Trout, decided to have another go with the Micro Fly Rod. Changed the fly line by using less backing line and more fly line. No knot to hang up on the rod guides, so I was able to get more distance on the cast. Caught two little Bluegill and one Bass on a Soft Hackle at Frisco Commons Pond. Then, took a break to get hydrated again. Sun came out in force today; even think the temps hit above 70 degrees. Much different than last years freezing conditions at this time. Later in the afternoon, fished the Feeder Creek at Bethany Lakes, Soft hackle had a few strikes but no hook ups. Switched to a Red Midge in Size 22 and hooked several soon after. Then, noticed fish feeding on something on the surface. So, switched to a Size 22 BWO and ended up catching several more. So far, have been pleasantly surprised with the casting capability of the little rod. The cast is different compared to standard size fly rods; the back cast straightens quickly, so the forward cast is...
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