Leaders... for #flyfishing

Saw a question on the Texas Fishing Forum about leaders. Liked the question so much, decided to provide an answer.  Here is our answer:

Been using this for Trout… 30lbs mono for a 36″ butt section, 17lbs mono for an 18″ mid section, 12lbs and 4lbs mono of 18″ each to make a 36″ tippet section. Makes a 7-1/2′ leader. If I want it longer will increase each length proportionally to get the overall length wanted.

For Striped Bass on Clousers, 30lbs mono for a 60″ butt section and then 17lbs mono for a 48″ tippet section…, then tie the Clouser directly to the 17lbs mono. Comes to 9′ and works with a 11′ Switch Rod as well as a 9′ 5wt Fly Rod.

Knots used – Perfection Loop for the butt end, then Uniknots for the rest… easier to tie than blood knots.

Will use knot-less tapered leaders bought on sale; but, only use them in the Spring when the Cottonwood start clobbering the local ponds with “cotton” which gravitate to any knot on a leader.

Do give it a try and possibly save a few dollars on leaders! Still have lots of 30lbs and 12lbs mono.  Did lose the 17lbs mono while fishing Denison Dam. But, the 20lbs mono seems to be working well, too!


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