COAF Field Team Vlog #25 - PBRG Size 14 To Get a Limit! #troutfishing

PBRG in Size14
PBRG in Size 14

Made it to Heritage Park – one of the three ponds in Flower Mound that were stocked with trout. Rain let up, so had to make the run down the Tollway for a go at Rainbow Trout.

New place… so new that Google Maps does not show the pond. It looks like it is still being built. Regardless, there is a pond, and it was stocked with trout.

It’s a small pond that may be the same size as the pond at Waterloo in Denison. Water was murky, and there was a hatch going on. Even saw a few risers go for them.

For us, no luck with fishing flies. Had to resort to a PBRG in Size 14 to make a limit today. “PBRG” is Power Bait Rainbow Glitter molded on a size 14 hook. We usually keep a jar in our fishing vest for times like today when the trout wanted bait instead of fishing flies.

Overall, the bite was steady with lots of folks getting bit. Power Bait and Corn seemed to be working; did see several taken with fishing flies but could not tell if anyone had strikes with other lures.

Fun time… now just gotta beat this cold!




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