COAF Field Team Vlog #21 – “Tough Round on the Blue River” #flyfishing

Kicked off the 2016-2017 Trout Stocking Season early last week when we fished the Lower Illinois River. This round, we fished the Blue River; the weekly trout stockings have started… Hooray!

Given the nice weather and an opening in the work schedule, made a short notice trip to fish the Blue River on Saturday. Although it was a tough round of fishing, did limit out after finding a pattern that worked!

  • Changed fishing flies multiple times before settling on a Tandem Rig – Olive Near Deere and Griffith’s Gnat set 4′ under a strike indicator.
  • Had hits on both fishing flies with a number of missed hook sets. Of the ones landed, four went for the Oliver Near Deere.
  • Later, the trout wanted movement in the fishing fly. Ended up removing the indicator and fished a a Mardi Gras Near Deere and later a Pink Near Deere.

Overall, had another great time on the Blue River. The 6-WT Switch Rod and the Rio Switch Chucker Line were key today in getting the needed distance where the fish were lurking using variants of the Roll Cast and Switch Cast!


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