Sunday at Clear Lake Park

Had lots of fun fishing Saturday putting in the kayak at Avalon Park (Lake Lavon). Decided to give it another go but this time putting in at Clear Lake Park (Lake Lavon).

Brought two kayaks and a fishing buddy. I started out focusing on Crappie, and began locating submerged trees and brush with the fish finder. Found a couple of trees, and had several strikes but could not connect.

Our fishing buddy caught several nice White Bass while trolling a point. Opting to work the point, began casting and drifting the point instead of trolling. In short order, had caught eleven while I continued to strike out on Crappie.

Not wanting to miss out on the action, finally changed from Crappie to White Bass and began connecting as well.

We used Slab and Jig Rigs cast and then bounced/jigged on the bottom. Lost count of how many were caught and released after twenty-one. Bite was steady with a good mix of Keepers. Kept one White Bass that went 11″ in length. Remainder we kept were much bigger!

Done #kayakfishing #lakelavon. Caught fish!

A photo posted by COAF Field Team ( on


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