Denison Dam


Bummer on the dead Stripers…

texoma1231: Re: Denison Dam

I fished below the Denison Dam yesterday afternoon. The only generation was for 30 min from 4:30pm to 5pm with one generator. I arrived about 3:45pm and did see one fish caught from the OK side on a top water plug but the fish was small. I did managed to catch one small striper after the generation started. Caught on a swim bait from the Texas side. I did see a few small fish caught on the Texas side during generation but nothing big. All were around 1-2 lbs. I did not see any fish caught from the OK side during generation.

I have included a photo of the south wall of the flood gates on the OK side. If you look closely you will see a lot of white spots at the base of the south wall. Those are large stripers that are dead or dying. The photo was taken from the parking lot on the Texas side. The oxygen level is very low and the water temp in the lake is 84 and the survival rate of the big fish is poor. I did see some smaller stripers chasing shad during the generation so there are still some to be caught.

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