Denison Dam Report...

Liking this one from today!

texoma1231: Below the Denison dam 8-30-2016

Fishing below the Denison Dam is showing some improvement. Not Great but good. Stripers are showing some energy as they are chasing the shad. I am hoping that this is an indication of additional oxygen in the water. The best times for fly fishing seem to be just as the water is turned on and just as it is being turned off. Current schedule for generation is 1:00pm - 5:00pm daily. These fish were caught today just as the water came on. All were caught on a solid white clouser. I caught and released 8 fish. All were about the same size as the fish in the photos. I am guessing 3-5 lbs.

Hopefully the lake will turn over completely soon and we will be back to normal patterns. Fishing is improving!!!!

Tight Lines

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