Lake Somerville Updates!


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Originally Posted By: J-Moe

Originally Posted By: TXfisherman12

Fished the spillway early this morning and caught 1 hybrid (keeper that I gave to a guy who came running over to my side when he saw me reel in the fish), and also caught 1 white bass (also keeper but released), and missed something big. All bites occurred using artificials with no luck on fly rod. The bite for me shut down once the sun was getting higher on the horizon. I fished the spillway for about 1hr 45min and did not see any other fishermen catch any fish. Tried lakeside and using a ton of different panfish flies and bass lures I managed only 1 sunfish on a fly, even though they were very active tearing up some bugs on the surface. Overall, it was a bit frustrating for me but happy I at least caught something.

On another note, I noticed that the Corps increased the outage around noon today by ~ 100 units (2157 to 2265). Not sure if this will improve what appears to be a slow bite the past few days?

Sounds like our day. Ben caught 3 fish using a 1/4 ounce jig on conventional gear in the spillway. I caught only one using the fly rod and a 1/16 ounce jig (which was too much for the fly rod but I had to try something to get it deep)

As far as the sunfish, they are bluegill. The mouth on a bluegill is very small so you have to size down. Ben and I have tied some cricket patterns on size 10. It's still difficult to get a hookset. I was missing lots of hooksets yesterday. I'm out of practice. You have to strip set and raise the rod as soon as you see a ripple. They will come out of the water and get on top of the fly so I'm actually trying to set the hook before they strike the lure. Keeping that rod tip on the water and the slack out of the line is another key technique I often get sloppy about. Ben reminds me quite often though

Thanks J-Moe for the valuable insight. I didn't have a cricket pattern in my vest, so that put me at a disadvantage. The one bluegill I caught was on a black widow type spider wet fly, that was black but had a red belly. It was size 6 (I think). I did notice that there appeared to be a hatch of white/cream-colored insects and black-n-white insects. It appeared that the bluegill were also feeding off of them, but mainly the crickets.

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