** Annual White Bass/ Sand Bass Run Fishing Guide Report, Tips, Videos, & Tricks **

Another great guide report!
TarponFly: Re: ** Annual White Bass/ Sand Bass Run Fishing Guide Report, Tips, Videos, & Tricks **

Report: Well, most all creeps in DFW are at their peak spawn now. The big schools of females have made their push up most creeks last week and the week before, and with this rain a lot of hybrids will show up as well. The next week to two weeks if you know what you're doing you should be able to get well over 200 fish days. PlanoKeith and I hooked up at the creek before the rains. Before I got there Keith was already at 103 Magnum Sandies. Took me less than 45 minutes to put 25 fat female mags on the stringer. The tent caterpillars are out now. Every 30 seconds one would drop on us. When we walk around and stop we would look at our shirts and we do have 10 or so crawling on us. I got home and took a shower and I could still feel them crawling on me. Creepy. The creek looked like it was sprinkling. But it was the Catapillar's falling out of the trees nonstop.

We have approximately three weeks of good fishing until it starts trickling down and they all vacate the creeks.

We are still doing Wade trips for crappie too!

$100 per person for Sandies

$150 per person for Crappie


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