Preparing for the Weekend... Pink Near Deere, Anyone?

Well, it’s late into “Hump Day” and the weekend approaches. Cleared the Inbox and then took a break from staring at a computer screen. What better way then to tie some fishing flies to prepare for another fishing trip this weekend. Decided on tying a couple of Pink Near Deere; the one that the Trout were striking but I kept on missing them until one was hooked and landed. Of course, “Murphy’s Law” struck and I soon lost it to a snag.

Here are two that are going in the fly box! Pink Chenille, Pink Marabou, and Red Dacron Tying Thread… else, it’s the same material as other Near Deere we tie (Mini-Jig, Gold Ribbing, and Grizzly Hackle).  Hope they do their job this next round!


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