Field Team's 2015 Fish of Interest

Looking over the year in review, 2015 has been a good year for the COAF Field Team. Of note are six fish of interest that were caught. Below are the videos we posted on YouTube of the fishing trips that resulted in a fish of interest! Do check them out as well as the iFishRadio Broadcast that talks of the Field Team’s Fish of Interest!

Back in May  Fshng84 caught a three foot alligator gar while kayak fishing on Lake Texoma. Although foul hooked while trolling for Striped Bass, it still gave a good fight and was subsequently released to grow bigger!

Then, in July, NucLaroche and Fshng84 caught a 33″ Catfish using juglines on Lake Lavon’s Bratonia Park.

That same month, the Team headed to the coast and fished the Galveston Fishing Pier and the 61st Street Fishing Pier (also in Galveston). While fishing the 61st Street Fishing Pier, Fshng84 caught a 27-1/4″ Blacktip Shark!

In October, on two consecutive trips to Beavers Bend State Park in Oklahoma, the Team was able to bring in a 20″ Rainbow Trout! The first trip in October, the Trout went for a Y2K Egg Pattern fished on a Tandem Rig (lead fishing fly was an Olive Near Deere; trailing fishing fly was a Y2K).

The second trip in October, the Trout went for a Rainbow Warrior fished on a Tandem Rig. Similar to the earlier trip, an Olive Near Deere was used as the lead fishing fly.

The last fish of interest for 2015 was caught at Denison Dam Tailrace while wade fishing in November. Fshng84 managed to bring in a 29″ Striped Bass that went for a Craft Fur Clouser Minnow. Of note was a larger one was lost that same trip!


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